Vegemite and Marmite are extremely polarizing products. The people who love them tend to be big fans while the people who hate them really do hate them. They have a lot in common as well as a few important differences. You will need to keep both the similarities and differences in mind when choosing between them. If you are not familiar with either product, below is a look at what sets them apart.
How do Vegemite and Marmite differ?
Vegemite and Marmite come from different places. Marmite is made in the United Kingdom and was first bottled in Burton-on-Trent in 1902; Vegemite comes from Australia and was first sold in 1923.
The yeast extracts used for Vegemite and Marmite come from different sources: Marmite’s yeast extract originally came from Bass Brewery while Vegemite’s extract came from Carlton & United Brewery.
Despite being similar in terms of their ingredients, Marmite and Vegemite don’t look the same. Vegemite is dark brown to the point of almost being black while Marmite is a lighter brown color somewhere between maple syrup and molasses. Their consistencies are different as well. Vegemite is thicker with a consistency similar to that of Nutella; Marmite is more of a thick liquid and is closer to molasses in its consistency.
Vegemite and Marmite have slightly different flavor profiles. While they both have similar salty flavors, Vegemite’s taste is stronger with a slightly bitter note when compared to that of Marmite. Marmite’s flavor is subtler and a little sweeter. Vegemite is a little closer to soy sauce, while Marmite is a little closer to beef bouillon even though the two spreads’ core flavors are similar.
Vegemite and Marmite are both nutritious but the nutrient levels are not the same. Vegemite contains more of all the B vitamins than Marmite except for B-12. The regular version of Vegemite does not contain B-12. Only the reduced salt version of Vegemite contains it. In comparison, Marmite contains B-12 along with other B vitamins.
Vegemite does have a little more sodium per serving than Marmite. The higher sodium level may account for some of the stronger flavor profile but should not make Vegemite significantly worse for health when compared to Marmite.
Can you use Vegemite as a substitute for Marmite and vice versa?
Since they are both made with the same ingredients and the flavor profiles do have some similarities, you can use Vegemite and Marmite as substitutes for each other. Because both contain glutamic acid, both are excellent seasonings for savory dishes since they will both enhance the umami profile.
You will have to keep the difference in flavor intensity in mind, however. Use less Vegemite when using it as a stand-in for Marmite and a little more Marmite when using it in place of Vegemite.
How should you use Vegemite and how should you use Marmite?
Vegemite and Marmite are typically consumed on fresh bread, toast, or crackers. You can also use it as a seasoning in meat dishes or to make a vegan pasta sauce, and it works well for giving a savory depth to stews and soups. You can also use it to enhance the umami properties of a vegan or vegetarian chili. Alternative uses for it include as a glaze for roasted or grilled chicken or pork. You can also use it in pastries.